Space-Time Travel yourself Through the Rituals of DraMAYAma with Filmmaker and Astrologer Jeanette Groenendaal.
Jeanette Groenendaal takes Horoscope as map to guide you through the rituals for the Nava Graha (The Nine Planets). An Astrological Pilgrimage in the Ancient Living Temples of Tamil Nadu, South India.
Bring your offer to Altars of Past Life and Destiny. Walk bare feet through the Temples for the Solar System: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Kethu. Witness the Cosmic Dance in the Temple of Space, of Earth Wind, Fire and Water. We will visit the International New Age Auroville and the Ramana Caves on the Holy Mountain, an Astrologers Village and the biggest Tempelcity on Earth! Travel 10 -14 days with local transport and taxi. Hotels range from price winning Eco Villages to modest Pilgrims Palaces. We will be in a green fertile rural river delta Pure Vegetarian, Non Alcoholic. Jeanette Groenendaal travels to the Temples for the Nine Planets in Tamil Nadu since 1987 and developed a scenario for the Movie DraMAYAma starring Branly López. You can now experience your own astrological pilgrimage! Timing will be perfect as long as you do not watch your watch impatiently. Join us to this Inner Space-Time travel in Tamil Nadu. Official website for more information and contact: |
Follow The Path of the Feathered Serpent
in Guatemala with DraMAYAma Protagonist and Time-Keeper Branly López Quemé. Would you like to feel the millenary Mayan spirituality and culture, in a deep travel to time-space embracing the Cholq’ij or Mayan Sacred Calendar in Guatemala and feeling how it connects to your spirit through the Mayan spiritual elements?
Join us to this spiritual journey to space-time in Mayan land in Guatemala. A deep travel into the ancient and actual Mayan sacred places through different spiritual practices, that go beyond rituals, guided by Ajq’ijab’ -Mayan Time-keepers and Shamans that will guide us to connect with the Universe’s inner energy that lives inside of us. During this twenty-day travel, we will go through the secrets of ancient and actual Mayan people and places. We will experience how the Maya have kept their spirituality and knowledge alive through symbols immersed in the Mayan traditional cloth, rituals, traditional markets and pyramids, and in a “hidden” way in the facades of colonial structures. Sacred places like caves, hot springs, volcanoes, lakes, mountains, forests... will be embraced while we share fire, water, wind, earth and time-space ceremonies with weavers, herbalists, time-keepers, healers, artists and historians that contribute to keep alive the Mayan Cosmo-vision. Join us to this mystical Mayan Space-Time travel. Official website for more information and contact: |